I'm certain this topic will come up again in future conversation of the class, but with the budding coverage of Britney Spears lately, a friend of mine sent me this link. It analyzes the amount of money Britney spends a month, as well as how much money people are making off of her coverage. Take a look at it, and be sure to glance through all the pictures and captions. It just reminds us that, while stars are definitely making money, so many other people and companies are cashing in as well (not to mention her $800,000+ monthly contribution to our economy). Especially when talking about Britney, who has become laughable in terms of her own integrity, talent, and career, it becomes apparent how much the American economy relies on the celebrity and star. I think this link really puts into perspective just how much money Britney's breakdown has brought to magazines, photographers, and bloggers. Not to mention Britney's outrageous income despite her recently failed endeavors. It really brings us deeper into the discussion in regards to what makes someone famous, what needs to be in place for stardom to rise, etc, and tackles the entire notion of celebrity as a business. However, when looking at celebrity as a business, a certain humanistic quality must be lost. It might be because of this that there is such a lack of privacy for stars today. Crazy antics bring revenue to so many companies. The overzealousness of the paparazzi today can be contributed to the fact that celebrity has become a business, and that there is so much money to be made.
Anyway, just take a look at the link, it really is fascinating to see celebrity in terms of numbers and dollar signs.
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