Saturday, March 1, 2008

Media and a Celebrity's Safety: When is it too Far?

I know Prince Harry is not a film star, but he is a celebrity and I think what happened to him this week brings up issues that go all the way back to Elvis' military service. This week two magazines (one in Germany and one in Australia) leaked that Prince Harry has been fighting in the frontlines in Afganistan since late December. There was a strict agreement between the media and Harry's General (who let him fulfill his life's dream by fighting with his regiment) to keep this a secret for Harry's safety.

No one had a clue he was over there since December and we were fine - why did the media have to compromise his safety!? I was really upset when I saw this story on CNN and every other news outlet you can imagine because I was horrified of seeing a new story the next day that the Taliban targeted Prince Harry. Luckily, he was put on a plane immediately and is now safe at home.

Celebrities have been going to war for ages. Sure Jimmy Stewart and Elvis were not political figure heads, but still they were American icons and had they been targeted in a war, it would have had an impact in American citizens' hearts (adding much fuel to the fire). Do you have an opinion on celebrities/stars going to war? What do you think about media disclosure of their whereabouts in war?

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