Friday, March 21, 2008

Michael Jackson Is Still Amazing

In honor of Michael Jackson week, I'm posting the video of the inmates at a prison in the Philippines doing the "Thriller" dance. I'd be surprised if anyone hasn't seen this yet since it was on the news/is the epitome of all that is awesome in the world, but just in case, here it is and no, I don't actually know how to embed videos on this site:

Thriller - Philippines Inmates

For me, the shock of the video isn't even the fact that this great number of prisoners are perfectly executing the "Thriller" choreography but rather it's the fact that the video so clearly represents the magnitude of Michael Jackson's stardom. It has been 25 years since Thriller first came out and a video like this makes it seem like no time has passed whatsoever because MJ has remained relevant and iconic, even in the face of his personal life that has overshadowed his music career.

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