Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Reading Response #2

Mainstream White Trash.

Sweeney's article about Elvis and White Trash culture gave me a greater understanding of Elvis, his popularity and legendary status in today's world. The explanations that he gave concerning White Trash culture was all to real. I felt bad for myself because I can remember seeing people that match his exact descriptions! Living in Texas and now Colorado has given me a Southern perspective of white trash in the South, but also the migration of the ideals and rituals of the originally Southern based culture. Last week's movie was the first time I had ever seen more than short clips of hips gyrating from Elvis Presley. I had never really had any interest in him, and blashphamey to the spiritual impersonators. The comparing of Elvis and Bill Clinton and Rosanne had me absolutely confused, but after his further examination, they all really did seem to fit together in meeting the desires of the public. I believe that is what makes a star become iconic and larger than life, when they hit the right cord in the mass' desires. This is part of the reason why stars fade, some quicker than others, because the desires of society change. The time when Elvis was alive was a time when the marginalized became the center of attention, as contradictory as that really is. As Sweeney discussed, he dealt with race, sex, rock 'n roll, war, and eventually drugs and excess. All of these things were the issues that society faced in the fifties, sixties and seventies. Now, his image and icon have shifted. In his death, he is viewed as a symbol and embodiment of the marginalized becoming important and a point of focus. Most people do not dress up in white jumpsuits with big jewels and belt buckles anymore, but there are still people who want to express themselves and be outside of the social norms. Elvis' image as morphed over time into representing those types of people since he first became a star.

I would also like to thank the Leavey staff for helping me get my account working again so that I could bring you this post!

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