Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Madonna's Star

I'm not signed up for a core post this week, but after reading other people's blog posts, I wanted to comment on last week's screening as well. I was surprisingly entertained by Truth or Dare, especially considering the fact that I knew little about Madonna. While her "motherly" tendencies and attitude toward others were oftentimes contradicting and harsh, her entertainment quality was there...this is probably why she is even a star. Even if a person is racist or disrespectful, if they entertain you, people will remain interested. Because Madonna is someone who makes it a point to do what she wants without a care in the world, she has a star quality that is attractive and controversial. Madonna's ability to maintain star status and to continue to successfully alter her image deserves some credit. Like someone else commented, it seems like when a contemporary singer does a song with Madonna, it becomes a big deal, almost like it's the highest they can go. When I heard that Justin Timberlake and Madonna had a song together, I was almost impressed for some reason. While I'm not praising Madonna for who she is or what she stands for, I do think that, if nothing else, her talent lies in being able to continue to stay in the spotlight for so many years and generate a sense of respect through generations.

1 comment:

ddman1212 said...

The past few weeks I have started to listen to Madonna songs. I had never thought of Madonna as more than "Don't cry for me Argentina" and the woman that kissed Britney Spears before me. I think that Madonna has had an interesting career path from almost punk to oversexed to now mom and humanitarian but the one constant is sucessful music. It takes more than just a contreversy to make a successful album, PARIS. I think Madonna has found a place for staying power of a joining of talent and shock.